Blogging with Carrie Kenner

Stories and wisdom ranging from doula education to marketing to road-tripping...

Grand midwife

Be Revolutionary!

I was recently filling out an online dating profile (yes, I’m looking’ for love ♥), and one of the profile questions took me back to a birth I attended eight years ago. The question was: What’s the favorite compliment you ever received? My answer: “You are a true revolutionary.” Okay, I’m a sucker for anything…

How to write a non-fiction book

Gestating My Book

The response to my book announcement has been overwhelming! The concept of putting a book out into the world had been abstract for me, until now. All the positive feedback has made it so much more real. Thank you readers! So, let me tell you a bit about the journey my book and I have…


A Love Letter to the Seattle Birth Community

An Open Letter of Love and Gratitude…  As I close the doors to Big Belly Services, sell off my belongings, and prepare to drive off into my new life, I am filled with so many memories and so much gratitude for the Seattle birth community.  My midwives who started me off on this path, Suzy…